Climate Forecasts for the Future (CFF) provides percent chance climate forecasts 1-2 seasons in advance for guidance in decision making for your industry or personal needs.
Forecasts by CFF are constructed from 60-70 years of data specific to the unique climate patterns of localized regions. This data factors in well known and lesser known climate patterns. Forecasts are presented as quantifiable percentages determining the possibility of various climate changes unique to a specific region (wetter, drier, warmer, cooler, etc.). These percentages will be for 1-2 seasons in advance from the time requested. For example, fall/winter requests will be for spring/summer.
Why Chose Us
Forecasts by CFF take advantage of data beyond the commonly known climate patterns of El Niño, La Niña, and Pacific Decadal Oscillation. They include climate patterns stretching as far as the Atlantic Ocean, and the stratospheric levels of Earth’s atmosphere. This data allows for more comprehensive and localized forecasts.
Climate Forecasts for the Future (CFF) is a climate consulting company that goes beyond the well-known climate patterns to give you a more accurate seasonal forecast over a localized region. Numerous data sets per state utilizing over 20 climate patterns provide increased forecast accuracy and precision. CFF also conducts weather data for claims.