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What To Expect

CFF provides a variety of percent chance forecasts listed below. Please keep in mind that 2-3 weeks of advance notice is required in order to allow for the most accurate and thorough forecast possible. Each forecast will show percent chance based data for 1-2 seasons in advance for the area of interest. For example, fall/winter forecasts will be provided during spring/summer months.


Click the button below to preview a sample forecast.




Percent chance temperature forecasts are given as quantitative ranges from normal averaged for the season(s) as a whole. They include a summary and qualitative forecast at the start for whether percent changes will be colder or warmer than average in a specified area.

First/Last Freeze


Percent chance first/last freeze forecasts are given as quantitative ranges from normal averaged for the season(s) as a whole. They include a summary and qualitative forecast at the start for whether first/last freezes will be earlier or later than average in a specified area. Please provide additional advance notice when requesting this forecast type.



Percent chance precipitation forecasts are given as quantitative ranges from normal averaged for the season(s) as a whole. They include a summary and qualitative forecast at the start for whether percent changes will be wetter or drier than average in a specified area.



Past weather conditions for any day or hour within the past 70 years for attorneys or anyone with a weather related claim.



Percent chance snowfall/snowpack forecasts are given as quantitative ranges from normal averaged for the season(s) as a whole. They include a summary and qualitative forecast at the start for whether the snowfall will be greater or lesser than average in a specified area.



If you would like a type of percentage based forecast not listed in this section, or any other weather or climate inquiry, feel free to request what you want using the contact form found on this page (link here). I will also consider requests for conducting climate research.

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